Bulgarian Capital Weekly's new article about OneCoin

Update 19 May: The journalist behind the article released an English translation of the article. You can check it out in BehindMLM.
A thread about OneCoin in a Finnish discussion board Murobbs has been following the ponzi scheme since February 16th 2015. I'm sorry to say that it's of course in Finnish and Google Translate does quite terrible job with Finnish language. Nevertheless a Bulgarian journalist Nickolay Stoyanov from the Capital Weekly has been following the discussion with the help of Google Translate. Today he greeted the followers of the thread with this message:

"Hey guys,

My name is Nickolay Stoyanov, a journalist from Bulgaria. Me and my paper Capital Weekly have been covering OneCoin and I've been following your discussion through Google Translte which has been useful.

I am writing just to drop you a link is our ltest article (in Bulgarian, but I guess you can get the gist of it through Google Translate): http://www.capital.bg/biznes/kompanii/2016/05/13/2759325_doktor_ruja_i_pazaruvaneto_na_imoti_ot_nishto/

Basically we've uncovered in the local registers That Mrs. Ignatova through several UAE-based companies such as RISG Limited and Ravenr Limited has bought real estate in the country for close to 20 mln. euro. We hve documents to prove that she used to be sole owner of these companies in 2015 and now they are transfered to proxies...

One of the latest deals is connected to a shady figure called Hristoforos Amanatidis (aka) Taki, who used to be charged with drug orgnising deling in Bulgaria. They fled to Dubai and was not to be recovered, for some yers and later the Bulgarian Authorities have dropped charges and is pushed chrging some of his alleged collaborators.

Hope this is useful for you in Finland."

Here's the article in English with Google Translate.

Briefly about the article:

The article let's us know that Ruja and OneCoin keep their distance with Bulgarian press, which is quite bizarre considering how important media coverage seems to be for OneCoin. Maybe the reason is that OneCoin simply can not get any positive media visibility without paying for it (like the Financial IT and Forbes cover cases have shown us).

Furthermore the article reveals that Ruja has made property investments with about 20 million euros in Bulgaria. Because of Ruja's shady connections to several companies it isn't clear how OneCoin's ponzi money is shared by the top ponzi scammers running the show. However it's obvious that all the property acquisition has been done with the ponzi money.

There's also a nice addition in the bottom part of the article (with a grayish background color) containing information about the latest dirty details of OneCoin.


  1. Learn more about out the 'onecoin scam':

    1. I'm publishing your comment although it's just a link to a website spreading nonsense about bloggers making money out of telling some facts about OneCoin.

      I have not earned a dime from criticising OneCoin. If I ever will earn a dime from this, it will not be even close to cover the time and efforts I have used to inform about the true nature of OneCoin.

      My motivation is to spread correct information about this ponzi scheme so that people would not feed the scam and help it grow.

      So what is your excuse to support a ponzi scam? Is it your good heart?

  2. Number one, this is an article from a journalist.
    After politicians, bank owners and the government this are the most corrupt people in the world.

    Number two, from what i can read in the article they say Onecoin is not public yet. The only reason that Onecoin is not on the open market yet is to make sure that it is stable. If they go stable straight away then the 'big boys will buy in'. Then after the value increases they will dump their coins and you will have a sinking cryptocurrency just like Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies.

    1. "Number one, this is an article from a journalist. After politicians, bank owners and the government this are the most corrupt people in the world."

      I don't quite get it that who you assume to have bribed the journalist to write such article. As far as I can see that was fine journalism and you claiming that there was some corruption behind it is absurd.

      If you are looking for corrupt journalism you should take a look at Financial IT and Chris Principe. He's a prime example of a bought publisher. When it comes to moral backbone Chris Principe doesn't have one.

      "Number two, from what i can read in the article they say Onecoin is not public yet. The only reason that Onecoin is not on the open market yet is to make sure that it is stable."

      You can't build real value with a currency that is only available in a closed market with a dictated value set by Ruja. The value set by her does not match any actual demand whatsoever.

      "If they go stable straight away then the 'big boys will buy in'. Then after the value increases they will dump their coins and you will have a sinking cryptocurrency just like Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies."

      This is also an absurd claim. Why would anyone buy coins from your market even if it was open to us all when the coins are much cheaper to buy with the so called education packages?

      Then again putting onecoin to an open market place would quickly expose that it has no real value because it has no usability and no actual demand.

      By the way, Bitcoin isn't sinking.

      The only real way to make money being a member of OneCoin is to scam others to join and collect the commissions. That's the pyramid part of this ponzi scam.


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