OneCoin bank accounts in Latin America

(Updated 25 October 2018 – added Brazilian bank details.)

Below you can find bank accounts related to ponzi-pyramid scam OneCoin (aka OneLife) in Latin America. I have no information whether all these bank accounts are still active. Some of them might already be frozen – or about to be frozen.


Bank: Banco Galicia
Bank account holder: One Network Servicios Argentina
Account number: 3648-3-306-7
CBU: 0070306020000003648377


Bank: Banco Do Brasil
Bank account holder: Network One Servicos

CNPJ (company ID number): 24.064.905/0001-93
Ag: 1744-2 
CC: 23,548-2

Bank: Caixa Economica
Bank account holder: Network One Servicos
CNPJ (company ID number): 24.064.905/0001-93
Ag: 2995 

Op: 003 
CC: 00001361-8

Bank: ITAÚ Bank

Bank account holder: Network One Servicos

CNPJ (company ID number): 24.064.905/0001-93
Ag: 6328 
CC: 14440-4


Bank: Bancolombia 
Type of account: Savings 
Bank account holder: PAYMENT EXPRESS SAS 
Account number: 237.659783-78 
NIT: 900.513.308 

Bank: Bancolombia 
Type of account: Savings 
Bank account holder: ESSENTIAL 7/24 
Account number: 237-656055-55 
NIT: 900.728.368-5

Bank: Bancolombia 
Type of account: Savings 
Account number: 237-661120-81 
NIT: 900.976.785

Costa Rica

Bank: Banco Promerica
Bank account holder: OLCR BIZITZABAT SA

Account number: 30000001858999 
Client: 11610300018589995 

Account number for dollars: 40000001859319 
Client: 11610400018593193

Dominican Republic

Bank: Banco Popular
Bank account holder: One Life Servicios
Account number for pesos: 799632518 
Account number for dollars: 799633334


Bank: Banco Pichincha
Bank account holder: One Network Servicios Ecuador S.A.
Account number: 2100134325


Bank: Banco Inbursa
Bank account holder: Bramex Easy SA de CV
Account number: 50030515053
Clabe interbancaria: 036180500305150531
– This account is suspected to have been closed.

Bank: Banco Banamex
Bank account holder: Bramex Easy SA de CV
Account number: 9289607888
Clabe interbancaria: 002180700245406247


Bank: St. Georges Bank
Bank account holder: ONE DREAM TEAM PANAMÁ, S.A.
Account number: 2503136

– There are some familiar names behind the company that holds that bank account:
Christian Steinkeller
Jose Antonio Gordo Valero (aka Jose Gordo)
Maria Eugenia Diaz Cordero


Jose Gordo on the left, Christian Steinkeller on the right.


  1. I have to say I miss the times when you could just log into back office to check what bank account was frozen this time. Now we can only guess if those bank accounts will live even for a day.

    I somehow expected that the banks would have by now added to their follow list any existing or incoming bank account where the account holder is named "One Network Services", "ONS", "OneLife", "OneCoin", "One Marketing" or any derivative thereof.
    But apparently they have not.

    1. I guess there are a lot of companies using "one" in their names. As far as I know OneCoin hasn't received much attention in Latin America, and there's also language barrier to deal with – most of the information and criticism against the ponzi is in English.

      By the way, this blog post has had a lot of visits from a certain origin in Sofia today. Who is going to pay their salaries if bank wire transfers stop? I don't think that the staff in Sofia will accept onecoins as their salary.

  2. hello, i would like to know if you have a contact email address? thank you.

    1. Hi, sure. You can contact me:


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