OneCoin – a confusing legal threat to Duncan Arthur

During last summer a German law firm Schulenberg & Schenk approached Duncan Arthur, the former Project Lead of DealShaker, via a letter dated 12 June 2019. The subject of the letter is a statement released by Duncan Arthur after he was no longer providing his services to OneCoin.

What's confusing about the letter is that Schulenberg & Schenk claim to represent the legal interest of Oneworld Network FZE but at the same time the subject of the letter is a statement to "OneLife members", referring to members who have signed up to and agreed the terms and conditions of OneLife Network Ltd who is not the said client. OneLife Network Ltd (nowadays inactive) was a company registered in Belize. The client of the lawfirm is Oneworld Network FZE registered in United Arab Emirates.

The letter to Duncan Arthur, part 1 (click to enlarge)

Quoting the letter:
"This statement contains various falsehoods as well as legal violations towards our client at whose cost you intend to promote yourself and your business. For this purpose, you make unfair use of the reputation of our client and the large number of its members in order to increase your media reach and to address as many interested potential clients as possible for your own dubious offers."

Sorry, "reputation"? Well, there is the reputation as a notorious ponzi pyramid scam.

The letter doesn't name any persons of the company the lawfirm represents, nor is the information available online so we don't get to know who has set up this company in UAE and runs this sideshow. 

It's worth mentioning that the members of OneLife haven't even heard about Oneworld Network FZE. The website still claims to belong to the Belizean company. All members signing up still agree to the terms and conditions of this nonexistent company.

The letter to Duncan Arthur, part 2 (click to enlarge)

Quoting the letter:
"We therefore request you to refrain from providing OneLife Members with any untrue information or electronic mail (regardless of its content) in the future. 

In the event that you do not immediately cease your unlawful conduct, our client will, without further warning, seek judicial assistance to enforce her injunctive reliefs."

– I thought that it was the company policy to feed the members of OneLife with untrue information. Isn't the whole point to defraud them? Like Ruja said: "We are not mining actually – but telling people shit." and "Take the money and run and blame someone else for this."

I have approached Schulenberg & Schenk and asked how they can make such request from behalf of a company who has nothing to do with the members of OneLife. I also mentioned that OneCoin/OneLife is a notorious ponzi-pyramid scam. Thus any money involved in this business and handled any company related to it is likely originated from the money scammed from the victims and laundered through various shell companies. 
I'll let you know if I get any comments about that.

"Expert Opinion" by Schulenberg & Schenk, June 29, 2015

As a plan to build up credibility for the scam as a legitimate business OneCoin acquired so called "legal opinions" from several European law firms and published nine of them in the back office of One of the legal opinions happens to be from Schulenberg & Schenk.

The legal opinion has been titled as "Expert Opinion" and addressed to One Network Services Ltd.

Quoting the Expert Opinion:
"The One Network Service Ltd. is a direct selling company. Purpose of the company is the trade with cryptocurrency or the respective Token and the corresponding education and training material which are distributed by independent and legally separate IMA."

– As proven by the court documents of US DOJ OneCoin has never been a cryptocurrency. The real purpose of the company was to defraud the members right from the start. I guess it slipped Ruja's mind to tell the expert that.

"Both using these OneCoins and Token, exchange activities can be realized via the trading system called "OneExchange". The prices are governed by the free market principle of supply and demand."

On the contrary to this "expert opinion", the price of OneCoin and Token have never been determined by a free market. I don't know where this expert got his information.

"Furthermore, each package contains Token which can be used for generating digital currency or be offered so, they can be sold profitably."


This expert opinion by Schulenberg & Schenk only confirms that even an obvious scam can purchase these kind of legal opinions. Well, to be fair there was eight other law firms giving their legal blessings to OneCoin and its business, so OneCoin had nine of them at the time when it already had a reputation as a scam.


  1. "Both using these OneCoins and Token, exchange activities can be realized via the trading system called "OneExchange". The prices are governed by the free market principle of supply and demand."

    I think we can call it quits for this "expert" opinion. The "OneExchange" has never existed as anything else than a name in the marketing material and a box in this page:

    There is no "" web page, there is no place where the "OneExchange" would be running even as "an internal exchange". It's nothing but "coming soon" promise from year 2015 or so.
    (Although I noted that onelife web page does mention OneExchange in "Migration terms from Conligus to OneCoin FAQ".) :-D

    Also worth noting that "Oneworld Network FZE" produces zero Google search results.
    Using variations of the name lead e.g. to MLM company named "One World Network - OWN" (for which the business plan is so strongly leaning to recruitment it should be considered as a pyramid scheme) and "One World Network" - a non-governmental, non-profit organization working to promote global democracy.


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